Amp Net Zero – Sustainable Energy Solutions
On May 1st, 2024, John Petrachek and the Atlas-Apex Group of Companies in partnership with Steve
Schaefer, an Amp Energy executive, made a significant move by purchasing 100% of Amp Energy’s
Canadian business. This transaction marks a pivotal moment in the company’s history.
The Canadian business, which plays a crucial role in the energy sector, now operates under the name
Amp Net Zero, reflecting it’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions.
We collaborate with a diverse array of utilities and commercial & industrial customers across both
Canada and the US, creating comprehensive decarbonization roadmaps and spearheading the drive
towards net-zero emissions. Our commitment extends beyond just creating plans; we actively engage
in the implementation of these strategies, ensuring that each step taken is in line with the overarching
goal of sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Through our extensive experience and expertise, we have become a trusted partner in the journey
towards a greener future. Sustainability is at the very core of our business. We are committed to
enabling a net-zero future through innovative solutions that reduce environmental impact while
delivering operational excellence. Read Full Press Release